摘要:本文采用苯基硼酸/季铵盐离子对溶剂萃取D-塔格糖。通过单因素实验,考察pH、苯基硼酸浓度、溶剂比对D-塔格糖萃取率和选择性的影响。进一步利用响应面分析优化得到最佳萃取条件为:pH 11,苯基硼酸浓度0.10 mol/m3,溶剂比1,此时D-塔格糖的萃取率为65.69%,选择性系数为14.67,D-塔格糖的回收率为92.28%。
Selective separation of D-tagatose by solvent extraction with ion-pair extractant
Guiqiang Xu, Biao Feng, Bo Jiang,Wanmeng Mu, Tao Zhang
(State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University,
Abstract: In this study, the solvent extraction of D-tagatose with an ion-pair of phenyloronate anion and quaternary ammonium cation were investigated .The influence of pH, PBA concentration and volume ratio(O/W) on extraction rate of D-tagatose and the selectivity for D-tagatose from the aqueous solution were examined by single factor tests. It was showed that the optimized conditions were pH 11, PBA concentration 0.10 and volume ratio(O/W) 1 using Central Composite Face-centered Experimental Design by Design Expert Version 7.1.6(Stat-Ease,USA), and in this condition, the extraction percentage、selectivity for D-tagatose and the recovery extraction percentage was obtained to be 65.69%、14.67 and 92.28%.
Key words: extraction, PBA, D-tagatose,RSM